Posts tagged 2018
Message from the Head of School and the Chair, Board of Governors

The cornerstone of a Queen Margaret’s education, past and present, is this solid foundation of self-mastery and sense of direction. Through our student-centred approach to teaching and learning—underscored by a focus on character building and service— our students are guided to discover these foundational gifts and build their future success.

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More than just Riding a Horse

Horses live in the present moment and they allow their bodies to give them information about the world around them. They don’t make up stories about people, places or things. They accept what is and if it doesn’t feel right they do something about it. This honest, in the moment feedback allows us to notice how we are showing up, learn from it, adjust if necessary and receive an immediate response back from the horse reflecting any shifts we made.

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A Sense of Place

One legacy outcome of the Senior School’s work with Ms. Hart and the Cowichan Elders has been the creation of a native garden at Queen Margaret’s School. Spearheaded by Miss Lorusso, with help from our Maintenance Staff, a pathway has been formed behind the Senior School that showcases native plants of the region. This “Ethnobotany Walk” has provided valuable hands-on learning opportunities for all students at QMS.

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Inheriting a Love of Flight

“Check it out!” Brittany Mayo gushes as she proudly shows off her latest tattoo. The image of four spitfire planes cruising over the fields of Britain graces her upper right arm in fresh black ink. “I love these planes. It would the fields of Britain graces her upper right arm in fresh black ink. “I love these planes. It would be incredible to be involved in a project on one of these…or a hurricane. I love classic planes.”

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