
BY GLYNIS VIOLINI (Lawrence ‘63)

Who else but Miss. D and Miss. G could see the beauty of buttercups sending us out to pick armloads of them for weddings in our Chapel.
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Miss. D. gave many messages to us in Chapel, assemblies, drama classes and at mealtimes reminding us to be good people. We should sow the beauty of honesty, courtesy, of kindness, tolerance and love. Now in our seventies, we pass these messages onto those in our lives who we touch in our many ways. I remind our grandchildren to stay on the woodland paths. To notice the life and beauty of nature. Who else but Miss. D. and Miss. G could see the beauty of buttercups - sending us out to pick armloads of them for weddings in our Chapel? I always remember this while digging them out of my perennial gardens.

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