QMS Magazine Editorial 1929
Story appeared in the 1929 issue of Queen Margaret’s School Magazine.
No.3 SUMMER 1929
“When Q.M.S. is one hundred years old the Editor of the Magazine will probably write the Editorial in an aeroplane. Being so high in the heavens will possibly be an aid and inspiration.”
When Q.M.S. is one hundred years old the Editor of the Magazine will probably write the Editorial in an aeroplane. Being so high in the heavens will possibly be an aid and inspiration. But I who stand on terra firma must seek a more lowly objective. And so I write, having slipped, like Sir Philip Sidney, into the title of an Editor, (not a poet), without further apology. Three things I have to say: one, a word of encouragement; two, a word of discreet reprimand; and three, an appeal.
For the first, I should like to thank all those who so nobly strive to write for the “Mag.” And yet fail to appear in print. The author of “The Effort of an Unpoetic Soul” is not alone in her glory; she speaks for many. To those people I should like to say: -- “It is not riming and versing that maketh a poet.” Many can write prose but if an idea is noble and worthy, give it a noble accompaniment of music; thought comes before rhyme.
Secondly to the Old Girls and in particular to the Secretary of the O.O.M.A. The Editor does not expect to collect news of the Old Girls from the highways and hedges. The article “Old Girls’ News” should be sent ready for publication to the Editor by the Secretary. To many Old Girls I would like to make the request that they show more interest in their School Magazine. And I congratulate two of them in particular.
Lastly the Magazine Fund is very sick and means of recovery are not within her reach alone. There are many copies of the second number not yet sold and the Printer’s bill is not paid. Nevertheless, buy, read and rejoice for Q.M.S. Magazine is well launched on her journey.