QMS Equestrian

Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Alexis Elliott
Our 27-acre campus is home to over 300 students and more than 40 horses.

Grade 9 student, Christine Coels, and her equine partner Arius earned their first major win this year at a Saanich Show In The Sun (SSITS)

Grade 9 student, Christine Coels, and her equine partner Arius earned their first major win this year at a Saanich Show In The Sun (SSITS)

As Canada’s only equestrian boarding school, QMS offers a unique opportunity to its students to attend class and participate in a world-renowned equestrian program. All riders are welcomed and accommodated, from the tentative first time rider to the established rider looking to further advance their skills.

For younger day students like Alexis Elliott (Grade 7), getting to ride a horse twice a week as part of her physical education program is a dream come true. “I love that I’m learning a new sport, and all of the horses and coaches are so warm and friendly.”

“I love that I’m learning a new sport, and all of the horses and coaches are so warm and friendly.”

“I love that I’m learning a new sport, and all of the horses and coaches are so warm and friendly.”

Although this unique aspect of a QMS education doesn’t take place in a classroom, Alexis has found that many of the lessons learned in the riding ring teach her valuable skills that she can apply in her other classes, and to life. “When I’m working with my horse,” Alexis explains, “I’m learning how to build a relationship. You have to be poised and patient at all times.”

In addition to riding, equestrian students like Alexis also learn stable management and other aspects of equine care. Like many students her age, though, Alexis says, “I would much rather muck out a stall than clean my bed-room at home!” In any case, the unique opportunities and perspectives provided through the QMS Equestrian Program work hand in hand with the school’s academic program and prepare QMS students for future endeavors, both in and out of the equestrian world.

Scarlett Foss
The great statesman Benjamin Disraeli said, “The secret of success is to be ready for your opportunity when it comes.”

Scarlett celebrates her graduation with an equine friend

Scarlett celebrates her graduation with an equine friend

That’s what Deputy Head Girl Scarlett Foss found out when she was presented with a chance of a lifetime after graduation – to train with Leslie Reid, an international dressage coach who has represented Canada at three Olympic Games. Scarlett has been riding for five years, and although she enjoys both equestrian disciplines offered at QMS, she admits that “achieving high levels of dressage sends tingles down my spine.” This rare opportunity to be a working student will offer her a chance to train at an international level and declare for a spot on the American Young Rider Team. Scarlett can’t wait to get started. “In addition to furthering my riding knowledge, I wish to learn everything I can about the dressage world and care of horses, as well as explore a year off from school from a different perspective.”

An international boarder from Anchorage, Alaska, Scarlett has attended QMS since Grade 8. She has embraced the opportunities that have been presented to her at QMS, excelling academically, in the equestrian program, and becoming Residence Captain and Deputy Head Girl in her Grade 12 year. Recently, she was awarded a Leader of Tomorrow Award by a local community group, recognizing her dedication to volunteerism and positive leadership.

The 2012-13 QMS Equestrian Team

The 2012-13 QMS Equestrian Team