For the Love of Books

Story appeared in the 2013 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


When the QMS Learning Centre opens its doors in the fall of 2013, school librarian Jana Milligan will also open the doors to her new domain—the QMS Learning Commons.

“My favourites right now are Nick Bland (“The Very Cranky Bear” and “Some Dads”) and New Young, who writes the Zoomer books. Both authors capture the magic of living life to the fullest.”

“My favourites right now are Nick Bland (“The Very Cranky Bear” and “Some Dads”) and New Young, who writes the Zoomer books. Both authors capture the magic of living life to the fullest.”

More than just a repository for print materials (although there will be plenty of books and magazines for students and faculty to enjoy), the new Learning Commons is designed to promote collaboration, research, project development, and presentations. Library resources will be close at hand for Intermediate students, and integrated wireless technology will support research opportunities and digital learning for students and staff at QMS.

For Ms. Milligan, the design of the Learning Commons as an anchor to the new Learning Centre centrally placed at the heart of the campus is the perfect metaphor for the role of the school library as a foundation of learning. “I think the role of any school library is to support the students in their development of a love of books and learning.”

With a background in computer technology and network administration, Ms. Milligan is excited by the wireless capability and technology re-sources that the new Learning Commons will be furnished with. In her role as QMS teacher-librarian, she looks forward to helping QMS students enhance their library experiences with the help of technology and learn how to use technology as a tool, not a distraction. As QMS embarks on its Bring Your Own Laptop Program for Grade 7/8 students, her experience will be more valuable than ever.

However, Ms. Milligan’s first love continues to be reading and sharing her love of books with the students at QMS. “Most of my time seems to be spent on finding books that sup-port whatever the students are interested in so that they can practise without thinking about it. Like finding a sport/activity that you like, if you enjoy the book, you don’t realize that you are strengthening your brain muscles.” That perspective will come as no surprise to everyone who sees Ms. Milligan in action every lunch hour on the soccer field!

It is important to Ms. Milligan to ensure the school library supports the curricular needs of the teachers, but it is essential that it also supports the various reading levels at QMS. This includes having a variety of appropriate materials to support the school’s English as a Second Language (ESL) programming for students who at-tend QMS from all over the world. It also includes supporting Learning Assistance endeavors by making sure there are not only a lot of titles on the shelves to choose from, but also by facilitating opportunities to practise reading.

Ms. Milligan recently collaborated with the Learning Assistance Department and the school’s Early Childhood Education Program to create opportunities for Middle Years LA students to take turns reading to the Junior Kindergarten class, either in front of the whole class or as a group.

Ms. Milligan is excited that the new Learning Commons will provide even more opportunities to encourage reading amongst all of the students at QMS.

Getting to know Ms. Milligan

Most of my time seems to be spent on finding books that support whatever the students are interested in so that they can practise reading without thinking about it.

How long have you worked at QMS?

Since 2006 (with a year off from 2010-2011).

Who is your favourite children’s author or illustrator?

My favourites change – like when you have cravings for different foods at different times. My favourites right now are Nick Bland (“The Very Cranky Bear” and “Some Dads”) and New Young, who writes the Zoomer books. Both authors capture the magic of living life to the fullest.

What do you enjoy most about being an educator at QMS?

The students – their energy, excitement, and curiosity about the world around them. My colleagues are wonderful, too, but the students are definitely the icing on the cake!

What were your favourite books in middle school?

The Little House on the Prairies series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, “Misty of Chincoteague” by Marguerite Henry, and the Black Stallion Series by Walter Farley. My favourites for that age group now are probably the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer, and the Warriors seres by Erin Hunter. It seems like books written these days are more lively and fun.