New Paths of Co-Curricular Learning

Story appeared in the 2021 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.

BY ANDER MONRO, Deputy Head of School


With a “stchuck” following a short hiss, my first arrow found the target, and from an early age the experience of after-school programming helped me sample widely, gaining a breadth of experiences and experimenting with different learning environments and methods of instruction. Although archery at QMS is only a possibility this upcoming year, we are excited to offer a range of programs designed to enhance the overall learning experience and to prepare these young trailblazers for life’s numerous challenges.

Whether it is developing artistic skills, musical prowess, or athletic ability, there will be plenty of opportunity to experiment as well as specialize during these formative years. Experimentation is a vital component in understanding to which learning environments we are best suited and in which domains or areas we can excel. As many of us know, finding fit is crucial to development, performance, and happiness.

Like sampling new foods, we never know if something is going to suit our tastes unless we have tried it. Anyone who has coached youth sport has seen the reluctant athlete lollop out to the first practice, and then, eight weeks later, wryly smiled to themselves as the same athlete bounded over asking what they will be doing and if there is anything they can do to help. We are delighted that a whole range of programs such as theatre, basketball, band, visual arts, wrestling, film club, and tennis (to name but a few) will not only be offered, but delivered on the foundational philosophy that learning should be fun, meaningful, and personal. We hope that engaging in new challenges will inspire growth and build self-confidence in all students.

In order to strike a balance between a breadth of learning experiences and specialization, we will vary the amount of programming choice as students move through the School, supporting more specialization once students recognize an area of strength or passion. Our programs will be categorized under “Arts and Music” and “Athletics and Citizenship,” and we are excited to offer two afternoons of each per week. While this concept is not new to QMS, our variety of programming has increased, and we look forward to students being engaged every term.

Learning outside of the classroom is a great way to develop social and emotional competencies, to build stronger relationships with peers and teachers (in turn enhancing community), to find areas of talent, and to build self-confidence. At QMS, we are invested in transformative experiences and hope to create environments where they might occur. Enhancing our co-curricular programming is a challenge we are looking forward to, and we eagerly await the return of students in September to begin encouraging their hearts and minds.