Volunteering as a Way of Life

Story appeared in the 2017 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


SERVITE FORTITIER Whether it is refreshing headstones, cleaning tack for CTRA or helping out at Providence Farm, QMS students generously donate their time.


Volunteering as a Way of Life

Service is a long held, beloved value of Queen Margaret’s School. Our Founders knew that ensuring QMS students had opportunities to help others would provide lessons in empathy, encourage open minds and create deep links with our greater community. Studies on the psychological impact of service show there are numerous positive effects for the volunteer, as well as the recipient. While providing vital support to those in need, it also helps reduce stress, combats depression, and provides a sense of purpose for the volunteer. QMS Senior School students are expected to provide 20 hours of service each year, but this is not seen by everyone as onerous. In fact, a passionate group of students advocated for the entire School to be more involved locally. Their altruistic spirit led to the creation of two Service Mornings a year. These mornings of volunteerism provide QMS staff and students from Kindergarten through Grade 12 opportunities to feel the joy and satisfaction of providing time, love and kindness to others. We are, indeed, making positive impacts in the world.