QMS - Three Little Letters

Story appeared in the 2016 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Ever since I was little, I dreamed of going to Queen Margaret’s School. Whenever my school work seemed too easy and I found myself staring out the window, picturing a challenge, three little letters always came to mind: “Q.M.S.”


I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted to go to this school, and yet my dream appeared to be unattainable; we simply could not afford it.

As time passed I clung to my undying wish to go to QMS. I felt if I were to continue along my present path, I could never reach my full potential. Shortly after a class trip to my soon-to-be high school, my mother sat me down and asked me where I wanted to go and why, so I told her about my dream. “Mom, I want to go to QMS. It has always been appealing to me and I feel like it is where I belong,” I simply said. Unknown to me, my mom had observed my struggles and had done some research. She told me about scholarships and bursaries offered by the School. I was overjoyed there was finally a way for me to go to QMS and nothing could stop me.

I sent my applications and resumes for financial aid, then I hoped for the best. I knew in my heart that QMS would be the best fit for me. Over my years of education, I had maintained high grades and had appropriate references who supported my character; this helped in the process immensely. Soon after, I got the news that I had received a scholar-ship, a bursary, and a spot in the Grade 8 class. I had now been given the opportunity—I knew it was up to me to make the most of it.

My experience at Queen Margaret’s School has been incredible so far, and it is all thanks to the financial aid I received and still receive to this day. Throughout my time at QMS, I have been given more opportunities than I can count and have made amazing friends. At QMS, I am receiving an excellent education, and I participate in clubs, sports, and events that I may not have been involved with elsewhere. I’ve discovered a passion for drama, and at QMS I’ve had a chance to compete in Improv events, perform spoken word poetry, and even travel to New York City. I now have friends from all over the world who teach me about their culture and share a connection with me. QMS has given me a world of possibilities to choose from.

Due to the financial help I receive, I am able to live my dream and it all started with three little letters that have changed my life!

QMS Scholarships & Bursaries

Inspired to Learn. Guided by Character. Empowered to Lead.

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