2014 Messages from Board of Governors

Story appeared in the 2014 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


There is no doubt that QMS is an outstanding school—for the last 93 years, students from all over the world have received a first-rate education that has prepared them to be successful in post-secondary pursuits, their chosen career paths, and to become concerned citizens of the world. We are all so proud of our graduates and their accomplishments.

The 2013-14 Board of Governors (l-r) BACK: R. Allan Gould, Nancy Wilson, Linda Love, Mark Gibbs, Dola Boas (Mitchell) '59, Jennifer Pelton. FRONT: Judith Parsons, Leigh Taylor, Sue Ryan, Derek Thomas. MISSING: Vivan Kilvert '91, Heidi Zealand, Neil …

The 2013-14 Board of Governors (l-r) BACK: R. Allan Gould, Nancy Wilson, Linda Love, Mark Gibbs, Dola Boas (Mitchell) '59, Jennifer Pelton. FRONT: Judith Parsons, Leigh Taylor, Sue Ryan, Derek Thomas. MISSING: Vivan Kilvert '91, Heidi Zealand, Neil Tanner, Serena Kolida'01.

It is incredible to see the changes to the QMS campus since I first joined the Board of Governors in 2005. The completion of
the Learning Centre this past year marks the sixth new building for the school since 2006. During this time, major renovations have also been completed on our Residence buildings and on our designated heritage building, the QMS Chapel. All of these facilities serve to enhance our programs and support our four pillars of academics, athletics, fine arts and service. Over the years, we have accomplished so much together. The school that Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan started on April 4th, 1921, with 14 students has grown to become a school of choice for many. The Head of School and the Board of Governors have a bold vision for the future of our school. I urge you to continue your generous donations to the Annual Fund and other fundraising initiatives at the school to help us move forward. We look forward to working with the QMS community as we continue to realize our visions and goals.
— Leigh Taylor, Chair of the QMS Board of Governors
I am also proud of the fact that we have successfully re-established our Development Office and implemented an Annual Fund. In its first year, the Annual Fund provided nearly $39,000 for enhancements to our school in the areas of Educational Technology, Scholarships and Bursaries, and other areas of special need designated to the Head’s Fund. I am proud to say that 100% of the Board of Governors and the Senior Management Team contributed to the Annual Fund, as did an impressive number of staff and faculty, alumni, vendors and friends, and of course, parents and guardians.

As our school approaches its centenary, we face constant challenges with aging facilities, the need for scholarships and bursaries, and the need to keep abreast with current technology. All of these place demands on a limited budget. Working with the Head of School and the Director of Development, the goals of the Advancement Committee include seeking your ongoing support and sharing our vision for the continued evolution of QMS. This year, I urge you to join our efforts to grow the Annual Fund by 15%.
— Linda Love, Chair of the Advancement Committee