Head's Message

Story appeared in the 2016 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Currently I am reading Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World. Described as one of this generation’s most compelling and provocative thought leaders, author Adam Grant addresses the challenge of how do we improve the world around us.


Using stories and studies spanning the worlds of business, politics, sports, entertainment and education, Grant suggests we must become trailblazers—innovators who choose to go against the grain and battle conformity. Grant defines “Originals” as people who take the initiative to make their visions a reality, people who take the road less travelled, championing a set of ideas that ultimately make things better. They have the same fears and doubts as the rest of us, but what sets “Originals” apart is that they don’t step back in the face of challenge. They take action.

Sound familiar? I believe that the insights offered by Grant reflect the ideals and daily life of our Founders, Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan. As one former student wrote, “We were confronted with a constant demonstration that we were all capable of certain achievement, all capable of service and all capable of realizing ourselves as complete individuals.” It is this dedication and determination, demonstrated by our Founders and those who have followed in their footsteps—our alumni, past and present staff and current students—that has allowed QMS to garner its excellent reputation both locally and globally.

We are accomplished lifelong learners. We dedicate ourselves to what gives our lives meaning and purpose, being open to see, learn and experience new things along the way. We are curious. We use what we have learned to continually better ourselves and be of service to others. We engage with people were confronted with a constant demonstration that we were all capable of certain achievement, all capable of service and all capable of realizing ourselves as complete individuals.” It is this dedication and determination, demonstrated by our Founders and those who have followed in their footsteps—our alumni, past and present staff and current students—that has allowed QMS to garner its excellent reputation both locally and globally.

We are accomplished lifelong learners. We dedicate ourselves to what gives our lives meaning and purpose, being open to see, learn and experience new things along the way. We are curious. We use what we have learned to continually better ourselves and be of service to others. We engage with people