Head's Message

Story appeared in the 2015 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


“Growth Mindset” is a premise discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck following decades of research on achievement and success.


According to Dr. Dweck, in a “fixed mindset,” people believe their qualities are fixed traits and that talent alone creates success. How-ever, in a growth mindset, people believe their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. A growth mindset thrives on challenges—it’s about stretching oneself to learn something new and being open to new opportunities. According to Dweck, this passion for and love of learning and discovery create a resilience and perseverance essential for constructive action, essential for success.

So you might ask, what are the characteristics of a school community with “growth mindset”? First, the ability to focus and reflect on the processes that bring about success or threaten growth describe a school with growth mindset thinking. Following a year of consultation with stakeholders throughout our com-munity, our renewed Strategic Plan, approved by the Board of Governors in the fall of 2014, sets the ground-work for QMS to embrace and engage in growth mindset thinking. The message that resonates clearly is that here at QMS, we value passion, dedication, growth and learning. We are open to new ideas and possibilities. Using our foundational values to guide our behavior, our strategic goals challenge us to step out of our comfort zones, to work collaboratively with each other, and create an educational experience for all that will prepare students for university, for higher education and for life.

Second, “growth mindset” schools thrive on challenge and see set-backs not as evidence of inability, but as a springboard for growth and stretching existing capacity. It is a school culture where administrators, teachers and support staff collaborate with their colleagues to strengthen their own practice, and in doing so, enhance the learning experience for their students. It is a setting where staff truly believe that all students can learn and succeed and take pride in their many accomplishments. Parents are supportive of their children both inside and out-side the classroom and partner with teachers to ensure their children are being challenged and putting forth the effort needed to grow. Students are enthusiastic, hard-working, motivated and have a voracious appetite for learning. For alumni, being challenged isn’t merely confined to their time at school, but embraced and sought out throughout life.

Within these pages, you will find a variety of voices belonging to students and staff who share their thoughts, their passions and their mindset. Alumni offer a glimpse into their world beyond QMS, highlighting both challenges and opportunities. All exhibit “growth mindset” thinking: all are taking charge of their own success through determination, hard work and being open to new ideas. When we speak of account-ability, of measuring our progress, of demonstrating growth, what could be a better testament to our success here at QMS than these voices?

I am confident that the school’s vision of being accomplished lifelong learners making positive impacts in the world is moving in the right direction.

Congratulations to all on another successful year!