Diana Symons...


Dear Mr. Robertson and Q.M.S. Alumni,

Thank you for the Christmas greetings and the recording of a candlelight service which caught the spirit of the season despite the challenges presented by COVID 19.

I graduated from Q.M.S. in 1957 and remember well all the special events that led up to the end of term at Christmas. There was the Old People's party which consisted of some selected individuals from Duncan who were on their own and in need of some Christmas cheer. I don't know how many there were but the dining room was full and besides serving dinner for the guests the school boarders had to be fed and I remember eating in shifts I guess in the library. Some of the guests played the piano or recited for us and we all participated in the Naas March. (I have no idea how you spell that word but I remember the tune.) There was the Mystery pageant or play which Miss Denny directed from the back of the gymnasium. I remember her directing Eleanor Jane an angel, to hold her trumpet correctly pointing it to the heavens and not like some musical instrument. We called the student E.J. and I had no idea it stood for Eleanor Jane! Miss Geoghegan directed all the music and the Carol service was a grand occasion in the Chapel with Miss Heaps at the organ. We sang our hearts out!

Then there was the candlelight service. We had to turn our bulky overcoats inside out so the wax from the candles would drip on to the linings and not spoil our coats. We lined up in the large entrance hall of the boarding house and were each given a candle which was lit as we exited into the dark night and processed to the chapel. The entire service was by candle light but I don't think it could have been very long, I don't remember because I think I must have been concentrating on my candle.... Can you imagine even conceiving the idea of girls wandering around and sitting with live candles now a days? though I see there were some real candles used in the procession this year, well done!

I am now 80 and I think back with amazement at the energy and organization abilities of Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan who were in their early seventies at the times I remember. They brought the Spirit of Christmas to all of us at school before we went home for the holidays. The memories still live on to enrich these rather dark winter days.

My fondest wishes to you, the students and The Alumni for a safe and Happy Christmas.