Breaking Down Barriers to Communication

Story appeared in the 2016 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


When Senior School Principal Deborah Cook and Director of Residential Life & Health Services Celina Mason decided to trial a new position of Chinese/English Interpreter at Queen Margaret’s School, they were thrilled with the overwhelmingly positive impact the new role had in enriching the School.

Belinda Chen (left) with two QMS mothers

Belinda Chen (left) with two QMS mothers


Although the School has a Spanish speaking staff member in Residence and makes use of WeChat to facilitate translations, an onsite translator was key to breaking down some of the communication barriers still in place. Belinda Chen, a lecturer in the Mandarin and Asian Studies Certificate Program at Vancouver Island University, was hired in September 2015 to provide translation services and help the School provide consistent and accessible communication for our Chinese students and their parents. With a background in both education and clinical psychotherapy counselling, Belinda quickly became a very valued and respected member of the QMS community by students, families, and colleagues alike. Senior Principal Deborah Cook notes, “Belinda has built a caring relationship with our students, particularly our students from China, both in the School and in Residence. She is very adept at feeding back to relevant staff when clarification or concerns are noted so that proactive action can be taken to maximize each student’s learning experience.”

Celina Mason, Director of Residential Life & Health Services, observes that “Belinda has been invaluable as a translator, both in face to face meetings with families and teachers, as well as in virtual environments.” In addition to working with the academic and residential life programs, Belinda has also lent her expertise to the School’s Development and Equestrian offices, both of which have benefited greatly from this new communication channel with families.

With the addition of the Chinese Interpreter role at QMS, communication at the school has been strengthened, with greater clarity and understanding around cultural expectations. The result has been a giant step forward in the School’s goal to create a truly globally-minded, inclusive community.