A Unifying Vision and Mission

Story appeared in the 2015 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


When we embarked on developing a new strategic plan for Queen Margaret’s School last year, one of our priorities was the creation of renewed and unifying vision and mission statements for our school which reflect our current reality, yet honour the foundations upon which our community was built.


According to author Jon Gordon, a unifying vision statement needs to capture the essence and spirit of the organization and come alive in the hearts and minds of everyone in our community. By being clear, energizing and compelling, a unifying vision statement becomes some- thing all members of our community can share with words and reinforce through actions. By reminding everyone what the school stands for, the vision statement acts as the North Star that keeps everyone on track. It is the school’s inspiration.

A successful mission statement, on the other hand, is deceptively simple: it needs to define the present state of the organization, answering the question of why we exist. It needs to reflect the values that anchor our actions and beliefs.

The crafting of these renewed vision and mission statements for QMS was a substantial undertaking and we are pleased with the results.

However, what we are most proud of is the process—one that was reflective, collaborative and generative. Together, we (the staff, students, parents, alumni and Board of Governors of Queen Margaret’s School) have developed two guid-ing statements that are a true reflection of our entire community.

We now find ourselves planning for a future that promises to be dynamic and challenging, filled with many successes and the creation of positive and enduring relationships.

Our Vision

We are accomplished lifelong learners making positive impacts in the world.

Our Mission

As a globally-minded community, Queen Margaret’s School provides enriched educational experiences and unique programs that prepare students for university, for higher education, for life.