A Special Note of Gratitude from our Development Office

Story appeared in the 2017 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


To our Queen Margaret’s School community for your faithful support…thank you. Your generosity enriches the lives of current students and provides opportunities to children who could not attend QMS without financial assistance. We are so grateful for your kindness.

The Zhan Family invites parents of the graduating class to join them in contributing to The Class of 2017 Legacy Fund and match the donations raised by the grads themselves.

Each member of the graduating class has committed to donating $20.17 each year for five years ($100.85 total). Thank you Grads and families….your legacy will make a positive impact on the lives of future QMS students.


We sincerely appreciate financial gifts from the Ceyssens Family and two anonymous donors which have enabled the creation of two new bursaries; The Laurel Bachman Memorial Award and The Jan Green Bursary Award. These need-based awards will assist day students in good standing who give back to the QMS and greater Cowichan Valley community. Servite Fortitier

The 2016-17 Annual Fund successfully raised $88,875. These funds will be directed towards educational resources, professional development, facility enhancement and more.

The Rasul-Jankovics and Nakonechny families demonstrated a strong belief in the value of a QMS education through donations to name the Grade 4 and Grade 5 classrooms in The Learning Centre. Thank you!

The Rasul-Jankovics and Nakonechny families demonstrated a strong belief in the value of a QMS education through donations to name the Grade 4 and Grade 5 classrooms in The Learning Centre.

Thank you!