A Century of Art & Design

Story appeared in the 2020 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.
— Aristotle
YuChan (Nicole) Han (‘17)

YuChan (Nicole) Han (‘17)

Aristotle is quoted as stating that, “the aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” It is through the artistic process of reflection and exploration that assists us in discovering what events and experiences have been significant to each of us personally. Art (and its noted “functional” twin-design) is powerful tool which can be used to examine endless subjects such as beauty, history, emotions, nature and even celebrations.

For QMS Fine Arts Department Head, Angela Andersen, a vibrant and active artist in her own right, the world surrounds her with creative inspiration. Whether it is capturing moss cascading down the trunk and innumerable branches of a giant cedar tree within paint, or transferring art deco onto innovative materials and fabrics, Angela has a talent for seeing the power of colour, light, and shape within unique contexts and subjects, and the ability to share this vision with her students.

As QMS drew nearer to its 100th year of existence, Angela was approached by members of the Centennial Committee about a special project. Would she happen to know any alumni who might be interested in designing concepts for Centennial scarves and ties for the School to produce in celebration of this milestone? She did.

Angela has remained in close contact with numerous QMS alumni, especially in the field of art and design, and was confident that someone would be interested in taking on the project. What she did not count on was the volume, quality and heartfelt love embedded in each and every submission. “The artists I contacted range from apprentices to masters of their craft. All very talented and busy! I received ten packages of concepts for both a legacy and contemporary tie/scarf combination,” shares Andersen. “The story each artist shared with me on why, how and what the designs meant to them, was glorious and moving.”

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Chloe Chung (‘07)

When presented with the designs, Centennial Committee member, Lynn Robertson, and OOMA President, Sarah Milne agreed. “The caliber of these scarf and tie designs is incredible,” smiles Lynn. “I’m so impressed, though it will make the decision process incredibly difficult!”

For Sarah Milne, her deep QMS pride was echoed in the artist’s use of iconic images of the School’s past, such as the heraldic devices in the crest; as well as school house symbols like the graceful swan of St. Hugh’s, the strong sword and snake of St. Michael’s, and the pure simplicity of St. Gabriel’s buttercup. “I haven’t met these particular alumni in person, but I want to!” exclaims Milne. “These artists have clearly been guided by Angela, and the significance of their QMS experiences have been expressed in a powerful way. We will do everything we can to share their beauty throughout our Centenary and beyond.”

Taylor McClement (‘18)

Taylor McClement (‘18)

Maria Fernanda Ramirez Coutiño (‘14)

Maria Fernanda Ramirez Coutiño (‘14)


Angela pauses thoughtfully as she gazes at her former students’ art. “I am in awe that we have been gifted with these pieces,” she admits. “These students worked very hard to earn the credentials and skills they brought to this project. Teaching art and design out of our humble QMS studio for the past 20 years; I always told my students, it is not so much what you have on the outside that determines success, it is what you do with what you have on the inside that makes the difference. Our students, families, staff and alum truly are our strength.”

What more could a teacher, fellow artist or educational institution ask for than to know our community’s love is reflected in the hearts, minds and creative energies of our former students? Miss Denny and Miss Geoghegan would be proud.

Cindy Ng (‘13)

Cindy Ng (‘13)

Felice Chap (‘12)

Felice Chap (‘12)

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Lily Blazich (‘18)

“Design inspired from the buildings in QMS. Using lines and hatches to celebrate the beautiful landscape.” Gigi Song (‘12)

“Design inspired from the buildings in QMS. Using lines and hatches to celebrate the beautiful landscape.” Gigi Song (‘12)

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Jimin Lee (‘17)

Chloe Wan (‘17)

Chloe Wan (‘17)

Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang (‘18)

Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang (‘18)

“QMS isn’t just a high school for me, but a significant part of my life. Everything I learned and experienced back then influenced me and shaped me into who I am today.”
— Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang ('18)

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the following QMS alumni for their gracious submissions of designs for the QMS Centennial Scarf/Tie Project.

Chloe Chung (‘07) – BA Illustration and Master of Arts in Teaching, School of Visual Arts (NYC)

Yi-Shan (Irene) Chang (‘08) – BA Communication Design, Parsons the New School of Design (NYC)

Felice Chap (‘12) – BA Architecture, University of Hong Kong and Master of Architecture, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Gigi Song (‘12) – BFA Interior Design and Master of Architecture, Pratt Institute (NYC)

Cindy Ng (‘13) – BFA in Visual Arts and Art History, University of Victoria (BC)

Maria Fernanda Ramirez Coutiño (‘14) – BA Social & Digital Marketing, University Iberoamericana (Mexico), studying Master’s in Social Entrepreneurship, Universidad ORT (Mexico)

YuChan (Nicole) Han (‘17) – Studying Civil Engineering at McGill University (QC)

Jimin Lee (‘17) – Studying Architecture at Western University (ON)

Chloe Wan (‘17) – Studying Architecture at the University of Toronto (ON)

Lily Blazich (‘18) – Studying at Emily Carr University of Art & Design (BC)

Taylor McClement (‘18) – Studying Illustration at Emily Carr University of Art & Design (BC)

What more could a teacher, fellow artist or educational institution ask for than to know our community’s love is reflected in the hearts, minds and creative energies of our former students?