2015 Message from the Chair

Story appeared in the 2015 issue of QMS Connections Magazine.


Our revised Strategic Plan, which was developed with the input of the entire QMS community, was approved this past year.

It sets out our way forward as we build upon all that has been accomplished. While the plan provides strategic direction it is important to note that the values it identifies are those which we have historically embraced and are as important today as they were when QMS was founded. These values include integrity, legacy, diversity, accountability, safety, service, courage, and intellectual curiosity. This issue of Connections illustrates many of those values and how we continually strive to ensure that they are an important part of our character and our decision making.

This third issue of Connections recognizes many of the donors to our recently revamped Annual Fund. The success we have experienced in annual giving as well as the support we have received for other fundraising initiatives is most impressive. It is impossible not to thank every reader who has helped make this vital support possible too often. In addition, our alumni contribute in so many ways by embracing our mission that they are an important part of our character and our decision making.

This third issue of Connections recognizes many of the donors to our recently revamped Annual Fund. The success we have experienced in annual giving as well as the support we have received for other fundraising initiatives is most impressive. It is impossible not to thank every reader who has helped make this vital support possible too often. In addition, our alumni contribute in so many ways by embracing our mission and goals, participating in activities and events and serving as role models for our students. Our parents give generously of their time and talents to make all of our events most successful. OOMA continues to provide significant support and activities. With your continued generous donations to the QMS Annual Fund and our other fundraising efforts, you will enable us to realize our vision and goals and provide each of our students with the finest education possible.

QMS Board of Governors

The QMS Board of Governors are a group of dedicated volunteers who work together and oversee the governance of Queen Margaret’s School. They are ultimately responsible for the strategic direction (not the management) of the school.

Board of Governors 2015.jpg

All day-to-day operational decisions are delegated to the Head of School, who is hired directly and evaluated annually by the Board of Governors. Governors do not serve any particular constituency—rather, they are charged with making decisions that serve the school as a whole and that best align with the school’s strategic direction. Governors serve three-year terms and are elected by members of the QMS Society.

Each family of a student currently enrolled at QMS holds a membership in the QMS Society. Other family members, alumni, or interested com-munity members can also become members by purchasing an annual membership or lifetime membership. Only members of the QMS Society can be elected Governors. Society members who are interested in serving on the QMS Board of Governors should contact reception@qms.bc.ca to be put in touch with the QMS Board Nominating Committee.